Monday, January 19, 2009

Cloth Diapers - My latest obsession

It's true I am currently OBSESSED with cloth diapers. I get on my soap box to anyone who will listen and talk about how wonderful they are! According to my husband this is the WORST hobbey I have ever had. But here is why I love cloth diapers (in no particular order);
-they make changing diapers fun (and isn't that enough of a reason?)
-they are better for the environment so it makes me feel good about myself
-they are better for my baby (who needs chemicals from foreign country's covering your baby?)
-they are just plain cute
-they are cheaper (assuming you don't become addicted and buy one of every kind )
-I know there are more reasons, I just cant think of any right now

Stay Tuned...

1 comment:

  1. I feel slightly guilty for getting you hooked, but only slightly since it really is better for the environment & your kiddo's :)

    Welcome to blog land
